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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Progress and Promises

Our House so Far

Hi all;
The posts have slowed down, I know, and I guess that's the natural consequence of living. Chores must get done and when the sun shines, the beach and pool beckon. It was a really lovely day today and there was a great breeze, which is unusual in the rainy season. We high tailed it to the laguna pool at The Sea Club after lunch as did quite a few others. The best news we have to share is that our house now has windows and they are preparing to intall our carport. Tomorrow we are gong to visit Mauricio and pay our next installment on the house.

Unfortunately, political pressure and media coverage have not resulted in the closing of the nearby dump, as had been promised by various politicos, from the president of Panama on down. A new sanitary landfill has been promised for the community, the money and the permits in place, so it's stunning to find that the old "dump" is still operating on the road to the three local resorts all of which boast . Millions have been spent on highway improvements and the byways are really good to drive on so it's weird that the tourists are treated to a whiff of the dump and a potholey road on the way to their vacation. It seems like a total disconnect.

Until very recently garbage was being burned on a regular basis, plastic and all. There is no recycling out here in the hinterland either, so it goes into a big pile, to be picked over by dogs,vultures and even some poor people looking for whatever they can salvage. Some of the newcomers have been trying to influence the local politicians and there was a noisy demonstration in February. Nothing has happened, so our friends Alcides Ana Maria have got the press and TVN to come out and report from the dump. The TV report and the print articles in the Panama City papers were good but still no action. Tuesday we will be participating in another protest at the dump and then going to the mayors office as he seems to be the stumbling block. Hopefully if we keep up the pressure, we might get some action. I'll keep you posted and take some pics of the event.
Here are a few more pics of the house.

View of the living room and master bedroom to the right.

The neighbourhood