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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Walk to the beach


Another sunny, breezy and humid day.
Would be a lot hotter if we didn't have the breeze off the ocean.
Here are a few pictures of the neighbourhood on the walk to the beach and Luiz's bar. The walk is very beautiful, very expensive homes used by the maid. Luiz is our lawyer and his bar will be taken down and replaced with a new Woodys.
Santa Clara is said to have the most beautiful beach in Panama but I think all three beaches I've been to are about the same. They are almost attached to each other, only separated by rivers and head lands.
I have been told if the tide is right and you had enough energy you could walk all three beaches without getting wet. There is miles of beaches.
November is a big month in Panama for celebrations.
Three days off last week for Separation Day, Flag Day and Colon Day(Columbus Day).
Nov. 10th is Uprising Villa de la Santo Day and Nov. 28th is Independance Day.
Everybody leaves the city and goes to the country, just like in Canada and like in Canada, last weekend it rained...... but the beer is cheap and the fireworks loud.
Hasta Luego

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Lord Chris and Bob!! You are in the Panama!! I just talked with Joann last night and she sent me your blog. I am in awe!! Sounds like you are having a blast. Halloween looked fun. Are you meeting lots of people and how long are you planning to stay? So many questions...keep writing though...I bet all your "peops" appreciate the news and contact. I'll not catch you up on us but will leave the link to our last post:
    Take good care of each other. Love and hugs, Ann (Margeson) Bogue xoxoxox(changed my name back.)
