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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Follow up to Creatures-- Sharks Fin Soup

Just wanted to follow up with a little more information about the last post. Bob had mentioned the event we witnessed on Facebook where he got a lots of comment. Erin Fritz, Karens daughter,talked today about a recent article in the Toronto Star. It discussed the practice of finning and efforts to eradicate the horrid act. If the demand for the fins to make the traditional chinese recipe of Sharks Fin Soup were eliminated, so would the market and thus the practice. I learned that my hometown of Brantford is the first North American city to ban the use of sharks fin. Go Brantford! Now we just have to make that world wide. Yesterdays June 13, Star article
I'm not surprised that finning is practiced here in Panama as the independent fishermen eke out a subsistence income and it would be very tempting to go after the fins that fetch a handsome price. Hoperfully the new co-operatives will help these workers to bring in a better income. The government has built a new modern fishmarket very close to us and I think it will be open soon. The building is on the highway next to the site of the new international airport. More on that next time.

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