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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Caminar Contra Cancer... Walk to Fight Cancer

Our group from Playa Blanca and Coronado

Recently we heard about The Caminar Contra Cancer through an email from a local friend, Natasha. Bob and I organized a small group to go with us to Coronado yesterday, where the walk was being held. This is the first year so there was a smallish crowd and one didn't have to find sponsors. You just made a donation to walk and the proceeds go the The Cancer Foundation of Panama. There were a short and a longer route; two friends walked with me and the rest of our group took the longer route. Both routes had the same brutal hill but I made it and really enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. I had noticed while in Panama the week before that the pink ribbbon symbol backed by a blue ribbon was prominantly displayed on many buildings and m any people were wearing the pink ribbon symbol in one form or another. I was surprised by the number of businesses, that were participating.

Walk Helpers, too cute with their pink wings

It was great to be involved in a worthy cause and to support new, local charitable activities as well. Everybody seemed to enjoy the fresh air, the exercise and the chance to contribute to a good cause. Hopefully the turn out will encourage a repeat next year. We even got a coupon at the end for a free Yogen Fruz at the new outlet in Coronado. There is also a well-known chinese buffetrestaurant,Don Lee's, that just opened there too, that people say is good. I won't lose any weight at this rate!!!!

This week we are off to Panama City again to buy our appliances and maybe a few other items if they will hold them for a few more weeks. Our closing date inches closer.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

El Torito Guapo, The Handsome Bull

Yesterday I went to Anton to check out the local festival, called the Festival of the Handsome Bull, Torito Guapo which started in 1967. Bob didn't feel like going so our friend Mitch and I checked out the local action at the town square in nearby Anton. It was the first time I had been to one of the ferias though Mitch and his wife Jean have been to some including the wildly popular Orange Festival in January. I'm determined to get Bob to go to that one.

It seems as though the whole town had turned out. There were many food booths heaped with all the usual Panamanian dishes, arroz con pollo (chicken with rice), patacones fried plantains, deep fried yucca and more. We even saw a booth for "American Pizza". Lots of guys had little portable charcoal grills that looked like stove pipes with a grid on top for cooking chicken or hotdogs slices threaded on skewers. There were also stalls selling lots of junky souvenirs, sandals, clothes and the usual fair merchandise one sees everywhere. Some of the larger fairs also feature artists, who sell their original work. I bought an orchid root and hope to have blooms someday soon.

The highlight for me was the dance exposition with many troupes of young people dancing in traditional costumes. I got some great pics which I am including here. We didn't stay long but enjoyed it. Next time I'll go really hungry as the food looked and smelled amazing and was really cheap. I could have had a good meal for $3 including drink.

Besides all that I mentioned, there was an effigy of the handsome bull that chases the ladies down the street of town, we missed that, outdoor dance venues for the whole family, and other folklores performances. During the weekend the Diablos Sucios, dirty devils of Panamanian lore, show up and there is also a greased pig chase. I think they have covered all the basics for a fun time, food, frolick and family. I'm going again next year!

The bulls head is mounted on a mans shoulders, when he chases the women in the street.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Canasta Buddies

This post is a celebration of friends and family. There were times in the past year when we felt very isolated but since moving to the "playa" we have been meeting people more easily and enjoying their company. We also talk with our close family and friends via Skype, which keeps us connected to them.

I joined the Mah Jong Club in Coronado early on and it was very nice to have such a nice bunch of women to meet with once or twice a week. I'm still not a great player but keep working at it and enjoy the challenge and the company. Bob and I also go regularly to the Playa Community social events that are held once a month to meet and mix with other expats in the beaches area.

The Ladies of Mah Jong
More Mah Jong PLayers

At the condo we have met some very nice people including our landlord, Mitch, and the three teachers at the The Five Star School who live in the next building and we play cards,usually Canasta,with them at least once a week. Our nextdoor neighbours are from Mexico and Germany and their little boy Juan Miguel is adorable.The mom,Diana, and Juan Miguel went with Mitch, Bob and I to an Octoberfest meal at a nearby resturant Friday night. Saturday we went to friends from Calgary for a great Canadian Thanskgiving meal in Coronado.

Denise and Neil, our hosts for Thanksgiving

We miss our family a lot, especially at traditional family times like Thanksgiving,so it is comforting to have met nice people with whom to spend time.
We are grateful for those loving family members in Canada and for our new friends as well.
Lori at El Valle market stall

Lori and MC in the condo pool

Bob and neighbour,Mark Starr at the Terrazas pool

Enjoying our Thanksgiving meal