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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Caminar Contra Cancer... Walk to Fight Cancer

Our group from Playa Blanca and Coronado

Recently we heard about The Caminar Contra Cancer through an email from a local friend, Natasha. Bob and I organized a small group to go with us to Coronado yesterday, where the walk was being held. This is the first year so there was a smallish crowd and one didn't have to find sponsors. You just made a donation to walk and the proceeds go the The Cancer Foundation of Panama. There were a short and a longer route; two friends walked with me and the rest of our group took the longer route. Both routes had the same brutal hill but I made it and really enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. I had noticed while in Panama the week before that the pink ribbbon symbol backed by a blue ribbon was prominantly displayed on many buildings and m any people were wearing the pink ribbon symbol in one form or another. I was surprised by the number of businesses, that were participating.

Walk Helpers, too cute with their pink wings

It was great to be involved in a worthy cause and to support new, local charitable activities as well. Everybody seemed to enjoy the fresh air, the exercise and the chance to contribute to a good cause. Hopefully the turn out will encourage a repeat next year. We even got a coupon at the end for a free Yogen Fruz at the new outlet in Coronado. There is also a well-known chinese buffetrestaurant,Don Lee's, that just opened there too, that people say is good. I won't lose any weight at this rate!!!!

This week we are off to Panama City again to buy our appliances and maybe a few other items if they will hold them for a few more weeks. Our closing date inches closer.

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